Hiring Process

Step 1:
Apply! Either send us your resume on our website or apply to one of our job postings on LinkedIn or Built in Chicago.

Step 2:
In your first interview, we will hold a phone call or zoom meeting between you and someone with experience in your domain. We want to get a better idea of your background, technical acumen, and quantitative abilities.

Step 3:
This round, while still technical, leans toward fit. We want to know how you will interact with our team, how you communicate, and how you will fit in with our culture.

Step 4:
You have made it to the final stage! A senior member of the company will speak with you about our vision and answer any questions you may have.

Step 5:
We don’t drag our feet at Edgehog, we make decisions fast. Expect to hear from us in a week regarding next steps.
Trader Interviews
Round 1
During the initial round, an Edgehog trader will lead the interview to get a sense of your background and trading ability.
While it’s hard to truly gauge your potential, some quantitative questioning can give us a sense of your reasoning.
These questions will focus on:
- Mental math
- Risk management
- Option valuation (among other things)
We use this opportunity to demonstrate your quantitative skills and the use of those skills in prior roles. Answers should be specific, evidential, and numerically backed.
Round 2
The second round will be with another trader.
It will be less focused on quantitative skills and more focused on fit. Questions may range from, “How do you work with a team?” to “Tell me about a time when you went out of your way to help someone?” Other questions may gauge how you communicate, or how you handle pressure or stress.
The second interview round is rooted in how you as a trader would work with us. You can be an exceptional trader, but if you are not an effective communicator, it’s unlikely we'll move forward.
Round 3
The third interview round will be with a senior member of the company.
During this interview, we determine if you fit within the bigger picture. More importantly, it gives you an opportunity to ask us “high level” or “big picture” questions about how we plan to grow or how we think your career will develop. It’s in this meeting that compensation will be discussed.
Edgehog has a lucrative but rigid compensation structure for its traders; you will be able to use this time to become familiar with how it works.
Developer and Data Scientist Interviews
Round 1
The initial round will be an introductory discussion with one of our project managers.
The interview lasts for approximately 1 hour and will be a deep dive into your background — specifically around development projects or research that was conducted in prior roles.
You will be asked about:
- Why you have chosen certain approaches to solve problems
- How you went about executing solutions with your team
While this may not seem quantitative on the surface, the discussion certainly has a quantitative bend to it. You should be able to speak to experience using data-driven examples and, assuming your prior experience was in trading, how you utilized your knowledge of markets to solve problems and create solutions.
Round 2
During the second round, you will receive a take-home assignment that is due within a week.
The problem is one we actually faced as a company, so it’s highly applicable. While this assignment will test your coding and quantitative abilities, it has also been structured to give us insight into how you would work with us as a team member. During this assignment, you will collaborate with us to derive a solution by sending us emails with updates, questions, and insights. We are happy to answer questions and provide some pointers if stuck. We want to work with you!
This is an opportunity for us to see how insightful your questions are, how well you can talk about complex topics, and if you present information in a clear, logical way.
Round 3
The third interview round will be with a senior member of the company.
During this interview we explore to see if you fit within the bigger picture of where we are heading. More importantly, it gives you an opportunity to ask us “high level” or” big picture” questions about how we plan to grow and how we think your career will develop. It’s in this meeting that compensation will be discussed.
Edgehog has a lucrative but rigid compensation structure for its developers and data scientists; you will be able to use this time to become familiar with how it works.